The Adulting Equestrian Blog

A blog for adulting equestrians, by an adulting equestrian!

I own two mares (and no, that isn’t a coincidence) named Tilly (a spicy chestnut warmblood) & Letty (an equally spicy bay OTTB.) I compete in show-jumping and eventing – when my busy schedule allows, that is!

I’m a 30-something trying to balance adult life + being an equestrian, like so many of you! When I’m not riding or working my “real job” as a property manager, I’m probably writing this blog, freelance writing for equestrian magazines and bussinesses, or writing my next fiction novel.

I hope my blog posts make you laugh, inspires you, give you some super helpful first hand product reviews, and provides you with some tidbits of knowledge I’ve gained over my many years working with / owning horses. Because let’s face it – horse ownership is no joke when you’re a “real adult!”

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