Media & Podcast Interviews

Thank you Horses & Heels for featuring “Impelled” in your Summer Book Roundup!

Podcast Interviews:

You can listen to the episode’s by clicking on the pictures below.

Thank you “Horses in the Morning” Podcast for having me on the show! It was a blast chatting with Glenn & Jamie about the release of my debut novel “Impelled”. (My interview is around the 46 min mark in the link below)

Thank you Alli Barfoot for having me on as your first international guest! It was so fun speaking with you, and so special that it released on the fourth of July!

A fellow author friend of mine had me on her “Live Ride Learn” podcast, and we had a blast talking about horses, off the track thoroughbred training and horse books!

One of my favorite podcasts, Retired Racehorse Radio, had me as a guest to talk about my OTTB that I adopted from New Vocations. My mare Letty was a featured adoptable horse of the week during one of the early episodes of the show! Thank you Joy Orr for your kind words about my book as well!

I talked about my author journey with another Sarah on The Branded Cowgirl Podcast!